Information For Authors
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Submission Guidelines
All submissions should accompany an abstract (150-200 words) and five key words.
Regular essays: lower limit 5,000 words; upper limit 7,500 words
Reviews: 1,200 words
Review essays: 5,500 words
Interviews: 7,000-9,000 words: upon invitation/approval by the Editors
Times New Roman 12; 1.5 line spacing; unjustified
UK or US spelling (consistent throughout the essay); centuries should be spelled out (18th century as eighteenth century); % as per cent; (19)70s as 1970s
No paragraph spacing before and after (new paragraph); first line of new paragraph should be intended (by 1 tab); all quotations exceeding 40 words should be left intended (by 1cm); no paragraph indentation following an indented quote; double quotation marks for material quoted, and single quotation marks for quotes within quotes; endnotes, no footnotes (should be kept to minimum)
Intext citations
Single author: (Chakrabarty 2000, 15)
Two authors: (Marzec and Duvall 2009, 13)
More than two authors: (Schulze-Engler et al. 2000, 22)
Author with no date: (Foster, n.d.)
Author with no page: (Nagata 2010, n.p.)
Author with no page and no date: (Little, n.p.)
Film/documentary: (Water 2005, minutes: seconds)
Works Cited
Book: Powell, Katrina M. 2015. Identity and Power in Narratives of Displacement. New York: Routledge.
Edited book: Wessels, Michael E., ed. 1999. Untouchable Fictions. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Journal article: Chattaraj, Kunal Kanti and Susanta Chand. 2015. "Literacy Trend of West Bengal and Its Differentials: A District Level Analysis." IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science 20(9): 1-19.
Edited volume: Phadke Shilpa, Ranada Shilpa and Sameera Khan. 2009. "Why Loiter? Radical Possibilities for Gendered Dissent." In Dissent and Cultural Resistance in Asia's Cities, edited by Melissa Butcher and Selveraj Velayutham, 185-204. London: Routledge.
Dissertation: Kennedy, Pauline. 2010. Untouchable Economies: A Study of Indian Villages. Harvard: Harvard University.
Film: Red Alert: The War Within. 2010. Dir. A.N. Mahadevan. Screenplay Aruna Raje. Mumbai: Star Entertainment Private Ltd. Film.
Internet source: Bliss, Laura. 2015. "Assault on the Subway: What Can a Bystander Do?" Citylab, March 27.